Friday, July 13, 2007

Change of Guards......

Truly said that change is the eternal constant. You can welcome it or you can be afraid of it but you can't avoid it. And the same change which brings cheers to a particular set of people can be a cause of misery for others.
It is the change or at least the hope of it which keeps the spirits of the oppressed and deprived alive. History is the witness how the masses have survived the dark ages of oppression and imperialism through utter ignorance just relying on this hope of change. Pointing out ignorance at this point is of special significance which you will understand after going through this text so please carry on. Though I used to think about change quite often but what inspired me to write down my thoughts about change this time was the developments around me in this corporate jungle and advise of my friend if my next article could about "Change". So, here it is.
The jungle of which I am an inhabitant of was lately engulfed in the wild fire of rumors of change. It was as if a fresh election have been announced and rule was all set to change from autocracy to democracy. As if, soon the mighty ones and the contenders of the post of king will be out among the poor populace of the jungle seeking a mandate in their favour and convincing them that it would be they who could provide them the honour of living in the land of justice. All of a sudden a sense of euphoria was created. Some of my dear fellow citizens would have even dreamt of the day when the goat and the lion will be drinking water of the same river side by side. So, this hope of change or hot air of change all around has brought a freshness to the monotonous life of the citizenry. Every one was aspiring for the higher rank which he/ she might get in the new order of the jungle. The newly born were all in an awe that they are lucky ones who would be breathing their entire lives in this changed atmosphere. It was a flimsy layer that all could see ahead and nothing else. But everyone was dreaming of his/ her wonderland across that layer and no one had any actual idea what was ahead at least among the general public who is the most neglected deprived and oppressed.
Ah! these poor souls. Their hopes have once again shattered. The old giant who was believed to be leaving the jungle for the good has re-entered the arena. He might not have got the greener pastures. The old order of the jungle is here to stay. At least for some more time. But then I think, were these hopes well placed with a firm base? Did the masses know where they were heading to after going through this wind of change?
The masses would never be able to realize the universal law of the jungle that its the order that changes not the rule of the jungle. But these hopes of change lead them to just lead a humble life in hope a change. Umm.. a vicious circle isn't it? A constant desire for a change transform the hopes into dreams and the will power transforms the dreams into determination which ultimately makes into the writings of the history books. But ignorance at any stage of this process turns hopes into fancies. It is at this point that ignorance plays the devilish role. And one more point if you may have noted is that "the change is to be desired" to beer fruits. Its change that is certain. Nothing else. Either you will bring it or it will be inflicted upon you. And you never know what is there on the other side of the change. So its batter you play the role of harbinger of the change and take your destiny in your own hand instead of just waiting to let the change pass by and the cursing your plight after that. And then the masses will follow....