Monday, August 10, 2009

Reality Bites

nothing novel,
but the TRP craze has just touched new heights.
once the fiction used to emulate reality,
but now this fictitious reality.. simply bites..
man has always sought refuge
in his fellow being's plight.
but ever got a chance to ponder even once
the hollowness of happiness
in such a way you drive..
glamour, action have for decades now
made senses go numb and tight.
but this box has made you look so idiotic
that you don't even get to know
when your emotions were monetized!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Don't remember it exactly, but the physics of spring was tought something like
force = - k X x
(Mr. Hook might have gone realy upset with my intial omission of negetive sign while stating his law but thanks to one of my friends who corrected me on this. Anyway, don't delve too much into signs, the philosophy still holds true.)
where k is spring constant and x is displacement from mean position. So higher the displacement higher the force imparted by the spring and more the force higher you go.
This small thought is actually a corellary of what one of my friends has posted on her blog: "how hard you rise depends on how hard you try" exactly like the spring motion. Individual quotient to strive may very as the spring constant for individual springs but one must adjust the displacement factor to achieve the force required to make an impact and ultimately be the force to reckon with.

Please correct me if I am mistaken on the equation part, though the phylosophy still remains valid.