Thursday, June 17, 2010

The First Move

This write up should be taken as a humble appeal in favor of a case on which depends not only the existence of human race but its evolution as well. My friend once asked me - "Does nature differentiate between man and woman?” Off course anatomically it does, but on behavioral aspects does it demarcate the capabilities and responsibilities of respective sex?
I, trying to be rational, fought for the cause of equality of both genders and non discrimination of nature on behavioral aspects. At that time, I might have sounded a feminist to the core to the class of typical male chauvinists. But in retrospect, I find myself pitted against my own arguments on the subject. Male and female of any species differ substantially. Nature for sure has tried out many permutations and combinations but has definitely maintained this discrimination.
Take the case of queen bee. She dominatingly asserts her choice for her mating partner. Or how about our national bird – the majestic Peacock. He leverages his richly hued feathers to lure multiple peahens in a single mating season. Not only is the nature strictly discriminating in its distribution of sexual and behavioral capabilities but it has also quite generously allowed polygamy.
My intent is not to permit polygamy in civilized human societies but only to establish that nature does discriminate. Accordingly man and woman possess different capabilities which totally compliment each other to lay down the foundation of a happy family. If man is supposed to be the protector of the family, woman nurtures it with her motherly love. If man is supposed to ensure the supplies of the house, woman makes it a home worth living in by ensuring efficient usage of those supplies. If man is supposed to build up the strength of the future generation woman ensures character in it.
But even before this idea of family gets into the planning stage the sex hormones must have worked. Not talking about the copulation period of the sexual lifecycle. Not talking about even the courtship period of the relationship between unrelated man and woman. I am talking about the stage of infatuation when the desire to be in a relationship is burning probably at both ends but is not yet revealed. When whether the affair is one sided or both sided even that’s uncertain.
We blame heart to have put us in such tricky situations, to have made us fall in love. Without any logic, without any rationale it makes us think of the possibilities of getting into an affair. We listen to our hearts. Quite often follow it too. Brain just devices the means to achieve the aspirations set by innocent heart. Sometimes it sounds totally foolish but for sure it demands hell lots of courage and guts to translate into action whatever heart has got to say.
Behaviorally, instinctively or by nature who is supposed to show those guts? Who is supposed to make the first move? The onus lies on the male counterpart of the gender equation. By now you must have understood the role THE FIRST MOVE plays in the bigger scheme of things. In laying the down foundation for happy families and thereby equitable and just societies, in paving out the way for the coming generations and thus setting the wheel of evolution rolling.
Don't forget dear friends that most probable question a child might ask its parents while advancing into adolescence is - "Papa, how did you meet mama?". We all might have asked the same question to our parents while growing up. That is the time when the story of first move is narrated. That is the time when the child if a boy sets standards for his first move and if a girl sets expectations from N number of first moves directed to her.
It is this case of First Move and respect for it for which I appeal to the fairer sex on behalf of my fellow brethren. This first move deserves a dignified treatment provided it treats womanhood with dignity. For once all the prejudices about the character pursuing that first move should be side tracked just to give the personality a fair chance to bloom. The decision on relationship can be given due thoughts and time but the first move should not be discouraged. The least it will do is to set the expectations right for the next time around without any negative effect on the psychology of the pursuer. The best will see a rediscovery of your own self when you enter into the relationship. As a side effect, Darwin's theory of evolution will still hold true.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

माँ गीता क्यों पढ़ती हैं?

गौरव:- माँ, आप हिन्दू धर्म में विश्वास रखते हो?
माँ:- मैं धर्म में विश्वास रखती हूँ

शायद इसीलिए माँ रोज़ सुबह गीता पढ़ती हैं