Saturday, October 14, 2006

living life the gandhigiri style.....

Once more, the debate of revival of Gandhism has been instigated though in the form of its modern "avtar" - Gandhigiri. Thanks to our cherished hero "munna bhai". Our film industry definitely deserves applause for the innovative way of introducing history to our youth rather then youth to our great history which usually happens and thus, making it a lot more interesting which ultimately reflects in the film's success.

Not being critical about the film any more and coming back to the topic under light, I would like to mention here one thing that I believe that it’s the traits of a personality that should be cherished rather then eulogizing the personality itself. Traits, which are reflected in that personality's deeds remembered over the ages and that’s how the souls become immortal. But then remembering and praising personalities is one thing and emulating the path traversed by those skinny creatures is altogether a different concept in itself. After all, how many of us would like to have M. K. Gandhi as our idol when he is facing stiff competition from the likes of Bill Gates, Sachin Tendulkar or Aishwarya Rai (they all did what they were passionate about and such vigor can't be found in abundance in today's youth - more on this some time later). That’s where the point of adopting features rather then fantasizing mortals comes in.

Now the face value of any thing allures more to this materialistic man then knowledge of hidden secrets (may be dark). Infect the capability of distinguishing things in this respect improves the chances of being successful in life. Sometimes it turns a human into a saint as in the case of Mahatma Gandhi and at other point of times brings the likes of Dhirubhai Ambani in the fore. But the trait in common in such successful personalities is that they abstain from materialistic pleasures and prioritized their ambition in life over such short lived happiness. Yes, that’s the first point where youth of today can start from, setting ambition for the life. Sooner they do that more they will be channelizing there energies (it can be for good or bad depending on the goal one set for oneself.. what can be said about the likes of Osama!). And, Gandhian philosophy can help in choosing an ambition that can lead to betterment of society. Like putting question to self that how this goal of mine which I have set for myself will impact the lives of those poor and underprivileged souls beneath me in the social hierarchy - "Gandhiji's Tilisman". After setting the goals and strategy for achieving them the next important step is the implementation of that game plan. This is the part where Ghandhian values of life - truth, non-violence and peace can direct us. The crux of the debate is the society doesn't want any more Gandhi's (British have left this country long back you fool! wake up..). But implementing your work plans the Gandhian way is what all is required for leading a successful life, for the progress of the nation and for the betterment of humanity in large and all at the same time (yes that's important. After all we have just one life to live and who cares about the next 'janam'. At least I don't). What all you need to loose is your impatience. And yes, believe me that's all is required. Whatever your profession is, whatever your ambition is (you are a lucky soul if both coincide) just try to implement these values in your day to day life. May be you are at lose instantly but in large you will gain and it will further foster your belief in living life - the Gandhigiri style. At this point I am impulsively quoting seven deadly sins as per Gandhian way of life:

  1. Wealth without work
  2. Pleasure without conscience
  3. Knowledge without character
  4. Commerce without morality
  5. Science without humanity
  6. Worship without sacrifice
  7. Politics without principle

May be that can show us the light....


Su said...

Do you have any idea how much it cost the Treasury to keep MKG "poor"? Or how much it costs you and me to live in India and our counter-parts to live in Pakistan? History extracts its toll.

And Aishwarya Rai doesnt have half a pea's worth of brains to do anything other than be a walking clothes' hanger so to call her a "role model" is stretching it...

Oh and by the way, decent post. Dont mind me. I was born congenitally bitchy.

Love and Punishment.

Pranab Pandey said...

Khatarnak !!

kya baat hai , Shri Shri 1008 Gaurav ji maharaj.

jai ho! jai ho!